Monday, February 21, 2011

Rerun of Benghazi in Tripoli

Tripoli :

  • Satellite TV blocked in Tripoli except for the channels in the higher frequency bands of Nilesat.
  • Mobile Communications intermittent or non-existent in some regions.
  • demonstrators reorganizing in the down town area.
  • 4 military aircraft carrying helicopters just flew over me flying in the direction of the military airport. Probably more soldiers/mercenaries for the government.


PH said...

Confirmed from inside source : planes from sirt just left to bomb Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Bieda. flown by Foreign Fighters (Algierian mercenaries).
Please contact Benghazi and inform we can't get to them ! Redistribute Everywhere ! Could be Chemical Weapons !

PH said...

Confirmed from inside source : planes from sirt just left to bomb Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Bieda. flown by Foreign Fighters (Algierian mercenaries).
Please contact Benghazi and inform we can't get to them ! Redistribute Everywhere ! Could be Chemical Weapons !

Inspired said...

May Allah help Libyans get what they want... Good luck Libyans! You are really brave people! May God be with you :)

PH said...

Confirmed from inside source : planes from sirt just left to bomb Benghazi, Ajdabiya, Bieda. flown by Foreign Fighters (Algierian mercenaries).
Please contact Benghazi and inform we can't get to them ! Redistribute Everywhere ! Could be Chemical Weapons !